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What is Pick-to-Light all about?

June 27th, 2024 | 6 minutes read | CAPTRON editorial office

Pick-to-light or pick-by-light is an innovative picking system that is widely used in warehouse management. This technology uses light signals to show warehouse employees the exact storage location for the items to be picked.

Find the right pick-by-light solution for you

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON CANEO seriesSR kapazitiver Haltewunschtaster

Accessible buses: The interpretation of the UN ECE 107.8 directive

May 23rd, 2023 | 4 minutes read | CAPTRON editorial office

The UN ECE 107 guideline of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) specifies how buses and other road vehicles must be generally and technically equipped in order to be approved.

In this blog post, we address the most important aspects of the EU directive for public transport in order to provide more clarity for operators.

Read more about the UN ECE 107.8 directive

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON Fuellstandsensoren Kompaktsonde

Which is the best level sensing technology to measure my medium?

April 6th, 2020 | 11 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

Economic decisions in today's industrial automation depend on reliable measurement data. For plant operators, process monitoring and control of machines is therefore an important tool. This is especially true in the area of level measurement. But which level measurement technology is best suited for my application and the medium to be measured?

Find the right level measurement technology for your application

Optical sensors in comparison

19th November 2022 | 6 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

In the rapidly evolving Industry 4.0, work processes are becoming increasingly complex due to artificial intelligence, machine learning and additive production. Production volumes and speeds are continuously increasing. This is accompanied by the assumption that error rates can be minimized by mechanical processes – but not only humans make mistakes. Even in machine and robot production, critical safeguards must be installed to ensure consistent quality of finished goods.

Find out more about the use of optical sensors

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON hygienic design

From abrasion to certification: Hygienic design made easy

July 20th, 2021 | 6 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

When it comes to the production of foods, beverages and pharmaceutical products, consumer protection occupies center stage – rightfully so. The relevant guidelines are continuously being updated and tightened. Manufacturers face ever stricter framework conditions that they have to comply with throughout the entire supply chain and beyond.

Find out more about the requirements in hygienic design

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON picking systems

Picking systems in comparison

November 16th, 2020 | 7 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

How complex the logistics process behind each order is depends to a large extent on the selected picking method and the picking system. The requirements and benefits differ depending on the warehouse structure, industry, noise level, article weight, etc. But which procedures are there - and above all, which system is worthwhile?

Find the right order picking system for you

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON beruehrungslose Taster

Contactless switching instead of spreading viruses

June 10th, 2020 | 4 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

After all, according to the Federal Centre for Health Education, up to 80 percent of infectious diseases are transmitted via the hands. And according to an overview in the "Journal of Hospital Infection", corona viruses, for example, can be detected on surfaces for up to nine days.

Find out more about hygiene on public transport here

[Translate to Englisch:] CAPTRON hygienezertifizierte SENSORTaster


May 28th, 2020 | 2 minute | CAPTRON editorial office

All manufacturing processes in the food industry and applications in medical and pharmaceutical technology are subject to strict hygiene requirements. Infection prevention currently plays a special role.

Read more about hygiene standards in the food industry

Hygienic sensors for cleanrooms and cleanroom systems

May 26 2020 | 6 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

Combined with solutions from Ortner, CAPTRON products have proven effective in a wide range of practical applications. Ortner relies on CAPTRON solutions in many of its products.

Find out more about suitable solutions for cleanrooms


May 15, 2020 | 3 minute read | CAPTRON editorial office

The corona virus has greatly changed behavior in areas with members of different risk groups in hospitals, nursing homes or homes for the elderly. It does not only influence consumer consumption or the way we travel and where we go. The newly acquired sensitivity will also have an effect on the simplest processes in everyday life.

Read more about preventing injections in the healthcare sector